Double Storey Extension in Surrey

Double Storey Extension in Surrey

Double and single storey extension Single and double storey extension. Date: February – March 2019 Location: Surrey Project Type: Extensions Double and single storey extension This project involved building a double and single storey extension to enlarge their...
Double Storey Extension in Goldaming

Double Storey Extension in Goldaming

Double storey extension  Double storey extension to side and rear plus a porch extension to the front in Goldaming. Date: June-December 2019 Location: Goldaming Project Type: Home Extension Home Extension in Goldaming This was a large project that involved building a...
Extension in Ashstead

Extension in Ashstead

Extension in Ashstead Rear extension to a home in Ashtead. Date: September 2019 Location: Ashstead Project Type: Home Extension Extension in Ashstead See the progress pictures of our work on this home extension in Ashstead. The work included moving a manhole, adding a...